Franklin, Samuel Nathan (Zalmon); b. November 16, 1891, Glukhov, Russia, to the US in 1903; Russian American; Jewish; AMB; Father Zalmon (Zavelsky) Franklin (1846-1909), mother Leah Esoff (1844-1928); Attended Marquette Academy and graduated from Marquette University School of Medicine in 1916, completed his intern work at county hospital; Married wife Minnie Schnell Franklin (1881-1965), three children Denora Black (1907-1985), Zalmond David (1909-1958), and Charlotte (1914-1966); Doctor and County Coroner in Milwaukee; Was elected county coroner in 1918 running on the Socialist Party ticket; Member of the American Medical Association and the State and County Medical Association; Head of the Milwaukee Medical Bureau of the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy; Received Passport# 452901 on June 28, 1937 which listed his address as 1636 North 48th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Sailed June 30, 1937 aboard the Aquitania; Arrived in Spain in July 1937; Served with the Medical Services; Returned to the US on March 2, 1938 aboard the Berengaria; d. October 14, 1958, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, buried in Spring Hill Cemetery and Mausoleum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Went to Spain to retrieve his son ZalmondSiblings: brothers Abraham (1863-1922), Leo (Eliyeh) (1868-1939), Louis (Chaim Laeb) (1869-1945), Meyer (1873-1926), Mendel (1876-1940) and Dr. Isadore Franklin (1889-1983) and Sisters Sonya (1875-1952), Hannah (Anna) Gertrude (1880-1942).
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Repatriation List (2/17/1938, ll. 114); RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 892, ll. 29 (voir arch gen); L-W Tree Ancestry; Find-a-Grave# 145685944; Obituary, The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 17, 1958, p 8.
Family Bonds: American Fathers and Sons in the Spanish Civil War, By Chris Brooks and Lisa Clemmer, The Volunteer Blog, February 27, 2018.
Photographs: Dr. Samuel Franklin on the Aquitania; Frederika Martin Photo ALBA 1:1:22:1, Tamiment Library, NYU; Dr. Samuel and Zalmond Franklin, undated, Family photograph.