k-Rose, Solomon. (Solomon Rosenblut, Sol [real name]); b. July 30, 1909, NYC; Jewish; Attended Columbia University 1 year and North Carolina University 2 years; Single; Office Worker, Teacher, and Party Functionary; CP April 1932 and Spanish CP; Domicile 1480 E. 94th Street, Brooklyn, New York; Sailed March 10, 1937 aboard the Washington; Arrived in Spain on March 28, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Washington, Co. 3, Section 1; Adjutant; Transferred to the Lincoln BN right before Brunete on June 10, 1937, as clerk and quartermaster; WIA on July 9, 1937; Released from the hospital on October 8, 1937 and sent to Albacete to serve in the Personnel Office; Back to XV BDE; Mackenzie-Papineau BN, Adjutant; Killed in action October 1938, Ebro Offensive.
Sources: Washington; RGASPI. Code A
Photograph: Lieutenant Solomon Rosenblum, Adjutant, Mackenzie-Papineau, May 1938. The 15th International Brigade Photographic Unit Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 11; ALBA Photo number 11-0637. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Sources: Washington; RGASPI. Code A
Photograph: Lieutenant Solomon Rosenblum, Adjutant, Mackenzie-Papineau, May 1938. The 15th International Brigade Photographic Unit Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 11; ALBA Photo number 11-0637. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.