McCarthy, William Frederick. (“Bill”; MacCarthy, Cormac from arrival June 8 doc); b. June 22, 1912, NYC; Attended Pratt Institute and St. Johns College, Jesuit High School; US Army, National Guard, 101st Cavalry, 2 years (arrival doc indicates 6 years); Single; Seaman; CP October 1936 (1930); Received Passport# 438305 on June 4, 1937 which listed his address as 1243 President Street, Brooklyn, New York (449 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York); Sailed June 12, 1937 aboard the Georgic; Arrived in Spain via Setcases on July 3, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Mackenzie-Papineau BN in training, Lincoln-Washington BN, MG Co. and Transmissiones; Served at Quinto and Belchite; Returned to the US on July 2, 1938 aboard the President Harding; WWII Armed forces; d. December 6, 1987, Sacramento, California.Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Figueres List; RGASPI Fond 545, O[pis 6, Delo 848, ll. 148, Arrived June 8; Mac-Paps; USSDA 2:0733, 57:0134; Harriman, L-W Tree Ancestry. [June 8 indicates A E- need to confirm that I do not have the entry mixed up with an English volunteer] Code A
Bill McCarthy Interview, ALBA V 48-119, August 25, 1985, Manny Harriman Video Oral History Collection; ALBA VIDEO 048; box number 10; folder number 24; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Photographs: William McCarthy, two from his 1936 Application for a Seaman’s Protection Certificate; L-W Tree Ancestry.