The ALBA Film Series

We are happy to present the ALBA Film Series as part of the Peter N. Carroll Anti-Fascist Education Fund.

This series introduces feature-length movies about the Spanish Civil War, including both classics and more recent work. Participants will meet online in 75-minute workshop-style gatherings, each led by a different expert, after viewing both the film and a specially produced introductory video with background information. The series is open to all teachers (both K-12 and college) as well as the general public                                                    

     The Devil’s Backbone (2001)  7/16        

Recording Available here!   

Casablanca (1942)  8/13 

Recording Available here! 

El Espíritu de la Colmena (1973) 9/18

Recording Available here!

For The Spanish Earth (1937)  10/24

Recording Available here!

Five Cartridges (1960) 1/22

Land and Freedom (1995) Postponed

For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) TBD

Blockade (1938) TBD


Peter N. Carroll Anti-Fascist Education Fund

The goal of this fund is to expand our efforts to contextualize and disseminate the anti-fascist history of the United States through the experience of the Lincoln Brigade. The often suppressed and overlooked history of these so-called “pre-mature anti-fascists “is critical for an understanding of our history and present. Making sure primary and secondary source curations of our material are available to all researchers, academics, activists, teachers, and students who need it, will be the direct mission of this fund. We can think of no one better to honor than Peter N. Carroll, who has done so much throughout his life and career to fight fascism through education and awareness raising.

Donate to the Fund Here!