Steven Birnbaum has been a trial attorney for over 40 years in the SF Bay Area, West Coast and Hawaii and nationally recognized for his work representing injured workers under the Longshore and Harborworkers Act. He has served on various city and county boards and commissions where he lives. He has been working as a social activist addressing the problems of poverty, inadequate housing, fighting for equality and peace since his term as a VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) in Georgia in 1969 and his tenure as a staff attorney at Legal Assistance to the Elderly in SF. He served on the Board of Interfaith Workers for Justice. He served as the president of the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Law Library and has and is representing indigent asylum seekers from Central America through the SF Lawyer’s Committee for Civil rights. In 1995 he, along with 10 other attorneys, founded WILG (Workplace Injury Law and Advocacy Group that has grown to over 1,000 injured workers attorneys nationally and is recognized as the preeminent workers compensation attorneys organization in the US. He has a special interest in the tragedy of the Spanish Civil War.