Feuerlicht, Adolph (Adolph Feuerlicht); b. September 10, 1900, NYC, New York; Deserter, Jewish; Father Max T. Feuerlicht (1871-?), mother Rosa Tannenbaum (1873-1939); Single; Journalist; CP 1934; Received Passport# 366343 on February 9, 1937 which listed his address as 215 2nd Avenue, NYC (Newark, New Jersey); Sailed February 20, 1937 aboard the Ile de France; Arrived in Spain on March 17, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Auto Park; Deserted during the Retreats and sought help in returning to the US with the American Consul in Marseille, France; Returned to the US on April 28, 1938 aboard the Washington. Married Janet Greenberg Marren (1914-?) March 21, 1940 in Mexico City, Mexico; Married Katharine Gray Avery (1908-2005) on April 12, 1960 in Fairfield, Connecticut; d. April 6, 1982, Middletown Springs, Rutland, Vermont, donated his body to science.Siblings: brother Jack Feuerlicht (1896-1974), sister Ethel Feuerlicht (1897-?).
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; XV BDE; “Yanks Stranded in Spain War,” Schenectady Gazette, April 20, 1938, p. 5; L-W Tree Ancestry; “Score of Americans Stranded in Spain,” AP, Daily News (NYC), April 20, 1938, p. 287; Find-a-Grave #69269689; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A