k?-Karagiannis, Apostolos (Carayianes, Apostolar; Carakulakin; Garaylons); b. July 14, 1881 (June 24, 1881, Cardcha) Greece; In 1907 emigrated to the Panama Canal Zone; To the US 1929, Naturalized Court of Providence Rhode Island, May 14, 1921; Greek American; Single; Seaman and Marine Mechanic; CP June 15, 1931 and Spanish CP; Received Passport# 366489 which listed his address (return) 56 James Street, NYC, 57 years old; Arrived in Spain March 17, 1937; Served with the Albaceate Auto Park, group 6; Returned to the US on July 20, 1938 aboard the Champlain; Reported Killed in action April 1938, Gandesa, during the Retreats; [data from L-W Tree Ancestry under Carayianes, Apostolar-deconflict, may be two different volunteers. Likely different vols.] Carayianes returned aboard the Champlain. d. March 23, 1960, in Greece. . (Possibly gay. Living with another man as "partner" in 1925 in NYC)Source: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 414, ll. 8-12 (under Garayianis); Greek; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A1
Photograph: Apostolos, Karagiannis in Spain, RGASPI