Goldstein, Benjamin (Joseph Jackton), b. May 13, 1912, NYC, Jewish, Attended Seth Low, Brooklyn, New York, Graduated from Columbia with a BS and in 1934 completed his studies at Columbia Law, Single, Lawyer [passed the NY bar in 1934], CP October 1936, received passport# 396440 on April 23, 1937 which listed his address as 121 Howard Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, Sailed May 8, 1937 aboard the American Importer, Arrived in Spain on May 27, 1937, Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN at Brunete, WIA twice in head, Lincoln-Washington BN, Co. 3, Quinto WIA, Returned to the US on December 20, 1938 aboard the Ausonia, WWII National Guard September 16, 1940 Federalized, On September 1, 1941 he requested discharge or transfer to inactive reserve and was released, He reenlisted after Pearl Harbor, US Army stationed in Hawaii, d. April 17, 2000.Sources: Sail, SACB, Mac-Pap, XV BDE, RA, Good Fight A, B, C, G & Z, Harriman.
Photograph: Benjamin Goldstein in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 899.