Gabriele, Blagio b. June 1, 1895, Aeri, Province of Cosenza, Italy; To the US 1922; Italian American; Father Michele Gabriele, mother Teresa (Petrone) Gabriele; Farmer and Barber; Anarchist; Later expelled from the US and moves to Spain in 1934; Arrested for his ties with anarchists; Joined the militia at the outbreak of the Civil War; Later transfered to the Garibaldi BN; Served at Cerro de los Angelse and wounded in action; Later to XIII Army Corps of the Levant Front, XIII Mobile Brigade. Wounded in action in the head; In March 1939 he left Spain by boarding a ship in Valencia that took him to Oran.
Sources: CPC; Anarchist; Italian; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore.