Borghi, Patrizio (“Comunardo”, Provencano, Mercurio (?)), b. March 17, 1914, Bologna, Italy, emigrated in 1931 to France and to the US 1932; Italian American; Father Armando Borhi, mother Ornella (Fabbri) Borghi; Baker and Mechanic; Anarchist; Received Passport# 369051 which listed his address as 369 East 142nd Street, Bronx, New York; Served with the Garibaldi BDE, 2nd BN; Returned to the US late 1936 or early 1937; Left Spain and went to the US to buy arms for the CNT; In 1939 he was in France.Source: USSDA (under Borghi, Patrizio); CPC; Anarchist; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore p. 96.