Koch, Charles August, Jr. b. November 24, 1894, Hoboken, New Jersey; Pilot; Attended the University of Georgia; Prior military service in WWI, he joined the English Airforce (RAF) in 1917 but contracted influenza and missed seeing combat in France; Married wife the former Doris Newby; Pilot and Aeronautical Engineer; No party affiliation; Received Passport# 354165 on November 24, 1936 which listed his address as Bristol Pike, Bristol, Pennsylvania; Arrived in Spain on December 9, 1936; After he completed Piloto DeCaza (Fighter Pilot) training on January 7, 1937 he reported to a Breguet 19 bomber squadron; Later to La Calle squadron where he served as a flight leader; After ulcerated stomach issues he joined a different squadron and had two victories; Repatriated due to continued stomach issues; Mustered out April 8, 1937; Returned to the US on April 19, 1937 aboard the Queen Mary; WWII he was a Civilian Aeronautical Engineer and Consultant; d. September 5, 1983, Flushing, New York.Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; John Carver Edwards, Airmen Without Portfolio, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1997; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photographs: Charles August “Tiny” Koch, from Jan Josef Safarik; and 1919 from passport records, L-W Tree Ancestry.