Northcutt, Charles Lawrence (Charles E.); b. January 11, 1900, Newark, Illinois; High School 1 year; Served in the US Army for 6 years; Single; Machinist; CP 1932 (1934); Received Passport# 430647 on June 1, 1937 which listed his address as 115 North Blair, Madison, Wisconsin; Sailed June 12, 1937 aboard the Georgic; Arrived in Spain via Setcases on July 2, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Mackenzie Papineau BN; Rank Sargento; As of March 14, 1938 was with the XV BDE, from June 18, 1938 in the Deposito Rectoret Company, from June 30, 1938 in the Center of Recuperation in Olot; Returned to the US on October 25, 1938 aboard the Ile de France; d. November 6, 1944, Aurora, Kane County, Illinois.Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Figueres List; Mac-Paps; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 956, ll. 11-13; L-W Tree Ancestry; Find-a-Grave# 142721881. Code A