k-Edwards, Charles Hamilton, Jr. ("Ham"), b. 1902, Illinois; 7 years prior military service; Seaman and Yacht Designer; CP; Received Passport# 358303 on December 22, 1936 which listed his address his 3609 Eden Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio; 36; Sailed December 26, 1936 aboard the Normandie; Arrived in Spain on January 6, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln Battalion, Observer; Killed by a sniper on February 18, 1937, Jarama.Sibling: Sister Ruthadelle Edwards.
Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; Americans; Americans and Canadians Killed in Spain Complete list to November 15, 1937 Killed in Spain Complete list to November 15, 1937; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 51, ll. 12-13, Letter from BDE to Phil Bard, FALB, September 15, 1937; Opis 6, Delo 885, ll. 26-27, fiches, notes killed Feb. 27; USSDA 2:0514, 53:0921. [EDWARDS TREE] Certificate of Death was issued; Various dates of death given Daily Worker reported February 27, 1937; Americans and Canadians Killed in Spain gives February 27, 1937; Merriman diaries indicates February 18, 1937. Code A