Leight, Clara. b. March 10, 1900, Russia; Russian American; AMB; Nursing education through Bellevue Hospital; Single; Nurse; Received Passport# 93978 on May 4, 1934 which listed her address as 531 East 84th Street, NYC; Sailed aboard the Ile de France; Served with the Republican Medical Services, Villa Paz hospital; Returned to the US on July 26, 1937 aboard the Queen Mary; WWII US Army, Nurse Corps; d. March 17, 1987, White Plains, Westchester, New York.
Sources: (Obituary) Patai, Frances. The Volunteer, Vol. 12, No. 1.
Photographs: Clara Leight. Xxxx, right Frederika Martin Photo Collection ALBA 1:1:19:1, Tamiment etc.
Sources: (Obituary) Patai, Frances. The Volunteer, Vol. 12, No. 1.
Photographs: Clara Leight. Xxxx, right Frederika Martin Photo Collection ALBA 1:1:19:1, Tamiment etc.