Fitzgerald, Daniel Andrew (M. Fitzgerald); b. July 12, 1918, Weymouth, (Saugus), Massachusetts; Sophomore at the University of New Hampshire; Single; Student; CP 1937; Received Passport# 364728 on February 1, 1937 which listed his address as Norwood, and Boston both Massachusetts (RFD #1, Durham, New Hampshire); Sailed February 6, 1937 aboard the Paris; Arrived in Spain February 17, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN, Co. 2, Section 2, Group 1, Soldado and Lincoln-Washington BN MG Co.; Served at Jarama and Brunete; Transferred to the Auto Park as a Driver and served at Belchite and Teruel; Returned to the US on May 7, 1938 aboard the President Harding; WWII US Army, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Division, North Africa, ETO Sicily, France, Belgium, and Germany; d. January 11, 1979, NYC, cremated and ashes scattered.Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Lincoln; Repatriation List (2/21/1938, ll. 118); Voros-Jarama; RGASPI. Code A
Biography: Daniel A. Fitzgerald was born July 12, 1919 in Weymouth, Massachusetts. He was a sophomore at the University of New Hampshire when he left for Spain in February 1937. He was a machine gunner at Jarama and Brunete and later a truck driver in the battles of Belchite and Teruel. He returned to New York in May 1938. Dan joined the U.S. Army in World War II serving with the 47th Infantry, Ninth Division in the campaigns starting in North Africa, Sicily, France, Belgium and ending in Germany. Dan attempted to join the Army Air Corps and believed he was turned down because of his service in Spain. After World War II, Dan was an organizer for the United Electrical (UE) workers union in upstate New York. He learned the lithography trade at the Rochester Institute of Technology and worked in the industry in the New York City area for many years. He maintained his political commitment fighting for workers, civil rights, and peace. He died January 11, 1979. - Courtesy of his son, Paul Fitzgerald.
Photograph: Newspaper clipping.