Kraman, Daniel (Harkaway, David; Kocaba, Dmytro [birth name]); b. July 16, 1895, Ukraine, Russia; Russian American or Polish American; Single (Married); Photographer and Taxi Driver; CP 1934; Received Passport# 3666053 on February 8, 1937 which listed his address as 307 20th Street, and 1702 Church Street, both Brooklyn, New York; Sailed February 20, 1937 aboard the Ile de France; Arrived in Spain on March 7, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN at Jarama; Transferred to the 1st Regiment de Tren; Returned to the US on February 9, 1939 aboard the Queen Mary.Source: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; RGASPI; L-W Tree Ancestry.
Photographs: Daniel Kraman, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 926; and Dan Kramen and Tom Swan; International Brigade Archive, Moscow: Select Images, Folder 188: 15th International Brigade Volunteers, Portraits, 1937-38, Box 2, Folder 15; ALBA Photo 177; ALBA Photo number 5/189/44. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.