Rivas y Betancourt, Daniel (Rivas Betancourt, Daniel; Ribas; Reivas); b. September 9, 1910, Florida (Rodas); Single; Waiter; CP USA 1932, Spanish CP, American Federation of Workers, Cafeteria Workers Union; Domicile 315 6th Street; NYC; Sailed January 5, 1937 aboard the Champlain; Arrived in Spain on January 12, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN, Co. 1, Centuria Antonio Guiteras; Political delegate for the company; In February served as the Responsible to Cuban comrades in Murcia while he recovered from wounds; Appointed the Administrator for the University Hospital in Murcia; Rank Soldado; Later back in lines and wounded at Quinto and Belchite in September 1937, Served at Jarama, Arganda, Morata, Quinto and Belchite; Twice WIA at Jarama in February 1937, suffered one bullet wound in his arm and another in his chest, and a second time in September 1937 at Belchite; Returned to Cuba on May 27, 1939 aboard the Orduña; [Company Commissar]
Sources: Cadre; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 114 & 115, Caracteritics de los Camaradas Cubanos evacuados en s’Agaro; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 28, Relacion de los desertores del Acantonamiento “H”; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 62-64, Relacion Aproximativa de Voluntarios Internacionales (Cubanes y Sudamericanes); Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 110, 111 (with handwritten notes), 152 & 153 [duplicates] (under Ribas), Relacion de Camaradas Cubanos Repatriados; Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 113, Relacion Nominal de los Volunterio de Nacionalidad Cuban Que Se Dirigen Amejico; Opis 6, Delo 600, ll. 31, 33-37; Primer Partido Comunista de Cuba 1/2:1/1.10/45-202, Lista de Embarque: Repatriados en el vapor Orduña el 13 de Mayo 1939; Alfonso Bello and Pérez Díaz; Vera Jimenéz; Lambe; Alberto More Tabio, “Five Heroes of Cuba Who Fell at Jarama,” Daily Worker, April 3, 1937, Clipping; Instituto de Historia de Cuba, Registro General, Personalidades Cubanas, Fichas de Datos de Combatientes Cubanos de la Guerra Civil Espanola, RG 4.12/2005 (225) No photograph; USSDA 852.221/233; SIDBRINT. Code A
Sources: Cadre; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 114 & 115, Caracteritics de los Camaradas Cubanos evacuados en s’Agaro; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 28, Relacion de los desertores del Acantonamiento “H”; Opis 6, Delo 42, ll. 62-64, Relacion Aproximativa de Voluntarios Internacionales (Cubanes y Sudamericanes); Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 110, 111 (with handwritten notes), 152 & 153 [duplicates] (under Ribas), Relacion de Camaradas Cubanos Repatriados; Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 113, Relacion Nominal de los Volunterio de Nacionalidad Cuban Que Se Dirigen Amejico; Opis 6, Delo 600, ll. 31, 33-37; Primer Partido Comunista de Cuba 1/2:1/1.10/45-202, Lista de Embarque: Repatriados en el vapor Orduña el 13 de Mayo 1939; Alfonso Bello and Pérez Díaz; Vera Jimenéz; Lambe; Alberto More Tabio, “Five Heroes of Cuba Who Fell at Jarama,” Daily Worker, April 3, 1937, Clipping; Instituto de Historia de Cuba, Registro General, Personalidades Cubanas, Fichas de Datos de Combatientes Cubanos de la Guerra Civil Espanola, RG 4.12/2005 (225) No photograph; USSDA 852.221/233; SIDBRINT. Code A