Di Santo, Francesco b. January 5, 1898, Grumo Appula Bari, Italy; To the US January 25, 1921, arrived at Ellis Island aboard the Duca Degli Abruzzi in 1921 with $25 in his pocket from Naples, Campagnia, Italy; Naturalized April 8, 1946; Italian American; Roman Catholic; To Spain in September 1937; Served with the 45th Division, XII BDE “Garibaldi” in the Anti-tank battery; Political delegate of section; Served on the Ebro Front and was present June 17, 1938; Later in the demobilization camp of Torclio; After leaving Spain was imprisoned in the French Concentration Camp de St. Cyprien; Received a medal upon his discharge from the IB which was inscribed “Medalla de las Brigadas internacionales 20 Octubre 1938 Barcelona, 20 de Noviemre de 1938 al Artillero Francesco Di Santo”; d. June 8, 1978.Source: Italian; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore; Family. Code A1