b. July 12, 1904, Fall River, Massachusetts; AMB; Graduated with a BS in 1932 from Boston University; Married; Laboratory Technician; CP April 1936 and Spanish CP; Received Passport# 387924 on April 10, 1937 which listed her address as 182 West 4th Street, NYC; Arrived in Spain on May 1, 1937; Served with the Medical Services as a Laboratory Technician; Served on the Cordoba Front and Vich; Returned to the US on July 26, 1938 aboard the Ile de France; Part of the 3rd AMB group; Married post-Spain last name was Mardfin.Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; RGASPI; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Florence Pike, Dot Fontaine (sleeping) and Dr. Julius Ettelson on the deck of the Aquitania in 1937, Frederika Martin photo ALBA 1:1:25:1