Arrigoni, Enrico (Brand, Frank); b. February 20, 1894, Pozzuolo, Province of Milan, left Italy in 1913 and lived in various European countries before emigrating to the US; Italian American; Bricklayer; Anarchist; Domicile New York; Left for Spain in 1936; Served with the Ascaso Division; Resigned in order to report for the anarchist press; Arrested in July or August 1938; Returned to the US in 1938.Source: CPC busta 201; Italian; Anarchist; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore; “Frank Brand,” [a.k.a.Enrico Arrigoni] in Paul Avrich, Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995, 169-173.