Jackson, Erie Ivan (Ivan, Eric); b. August 26, 1902, Pope County, Illinois (Oakland, California); Father Thomas Dale Jackson (1861-1944), mother Sereptha Jane Stone (1861-1923); Married Marina Auman (1904-1972) on October 27, 1925, Marion, Oregon, daughter Parlee Jean Jackson Jeffers (1927-2006), sons Erie Ivan Jackson Jr. (1928-2016), Clyde Harvey Jackson (1929-1957); Divorced prior to Spain (Single); Miner and Construction Miner; CP 1929 (1932), Spanish CP; IUMM&SW, UMWA, Teamsters Union; Received Passport# 24855, San Francisco series, on February 19, 1937 which listed his address as 798 (693) 10th Street, Oakland, California, and San Francisco, California (Pope County, Illinois); Sailed March 10, 1937 aboard the Washington; Arrived in Spain March 20, 1937 (1938); Served with Medical Services Transportation Autopark, Driver; Served at Almeria April 4, 1937 to June 1937, WIA on May 31, 1937 during shelling of Almeria by Germans, shrapnel from shell hit in right thigh; Hospital in Almansa then English Hospital in Almeria; After release served as a driver and Responsible at various hospitals, also served as a translator; Married Norah Wendy Morris (1916-?), November 1937 in Murcia, Spain, Returned to the US on December 20, 1938 aboard the Ausonia; Spoke Spanish and English.Siblings: brothers Roy Jackson (1886-1955); Guy Harley Jackson (1893-1976); Oner Jackson (1906-1976); sisters Zella Mae Jackson (1884-1965); Myrtle Parlee Nordmeyer (1888-1985); Maud A. Jackson (1891-1976); Ethel Prudence Jackson (1896-1927); Eva Jackson (1898-1988).
Source: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; RGASPI Opis 6, Delo 916, ll. 14-20. Code A