Finick, Eugene Rudolph b. April 23, 1912; Czech-Polish American; Pilot; Single; Mechanic; CP; Received Passport# 340394 on August 21, 1936 which listed his address as 246 East 2nd Street, NYC; Arrived in Spain on September 24, 1936; Served with the Republican Air Force; Initially flew transports before qualifying for Bombers; Flew from September 1936-June 2, 1937; WIA May 31, 1937, forced to bail out of his plane and broke his leg in the landing; Several months in the hospital; Returned to the US on March 2, 1938 aboard the Berengaria; d. June 30, 1991, New Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, buried in Coburn Cemetery, Sherman, Fairfield County, Connecticut; Buried with Sagrario Crespo Guerrero (wife?).Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; L-W Tree Ancestry; John Carver Edwards, Airmen Without Portfolio, Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1997; L-W Tree Ancestry; Find-a-Grave# 40353544.