Grunsky, Eugenia b. April 17, 1904, Stockton, California; Jewish; AMB; Graduated from Stockton HS in 1922 and Mills College in 1925, received a certificate in physical therapy at Northwestern University in Chicago; Physical Education Teacher at Washington State, Stockton HS and Mills College; Physiotherapist; Received Passport# 4818383 on October 23, 1937 which listed her address as 1405 North Commerce Street, Stockton, California; Arrived in Spain on February 14, 1938; Served with the Medical Services, Mahora Hospital; Returned to the US on September 13, 1938 aboard the Veendam; WWII service in the Navy WAVEs as an LT, helped to rehabilitate wounded servicemen; d. January 15, 1988, Mill Valley, Marin County, California.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; RGASPI; Obituary; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Eugenia Grunsky, Photograph Mills College yearbook, 1943.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; RGASPI; Obituary; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Eugenia Grunsky, Photograph Mills College yearbook, 1943.