k-Williams, Fred b. January 7, 1916, Lexington, Mississippi; African American; Father Add Williams, mother Lizzie Williams; Single; Decorator; CP 1937; Received Passport# 479613 on October 7, 1937 which listed his address as 2912 Madison Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri; Sailed October 23, 1937 aboard the Champlain; Arrived in Figueres via Massanet on November 5, 1937 and arrived at Tarrazona on November 11, 1937; He was selected for additional training and went to the Anti-Gas School at Pozo Rubio in December 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion by May; Reported MIA between July 25 and August 5, 1938, was likely KIA July 30, 1938 during the Ebro Offensive; Sister Tassie Smith wrote several letters to the State Department inquiring into the health of her brother, continued to write after he failed to return.Siblings: brothers Willie, Joe R. and Rennie; sisters Tassie (Tessie) Smith, Ruby, and Cornelia.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Full list of American Volunteers, American Base, Tarazona, hand-written notes indicates anti-gas, December 31, 1937, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 40, ll. 21; Occupation Record by Groups, undated, Opis 6, Delo 47, ll. 65; Opis 6, Delo 1013, ll. 25 (verar gen amer); USSDA 2:1048, 61:0890; African Americans; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Biography: Fred Williams was born in Lexington, Mississippi, on January 7, 1916. He left for Spain on the Champlain, on October 23, 1937. On July 19, 1938, in response to his sister's inquiry, the U.S. consulate in Barcelona relayed word that Williams was alive and well and serving with the XVth Brigade. Mrs. Smith inquired again on June 28, 1939, when her brother did not appear after the war. The State Department could not locate him on any of the lists of Americans evacuated from Spain. Williams may have died in Spain. ~ Chris Brooks
Photograph: Fred Williams Passport Photograph, 1937.