Salvini, Frederick. (Federico), b. April 9, 1898, Vela Banale, Italy; Italian American; POW; 2 years prior military service; Single; Building construction Worker; CP; Received Passport# 361243 on January 12, 1937 which listed his address as 576 9th Avenue, NYC; Sailed January 20, 1937 aboard the Berengaria; Served with the XV Brigade, Lincoln Battalion, Co. 2, Section 3, Group 1; Lincoln-Washington Battalion; Captured September 1938; Exchanged April 22, 1939; Returned to the US on May 10, 1939 aboard the Ile de France; d. January 1977.
Sources: “Federico Salvini.” CPC busta 4554; PS; Italian, La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore.
Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Americans; Voros-Jarama; “Federico Salvini” RGASPI Fond 545 Opis 6 File 505, 19-20; USSDA 2:0890, 59:0659; L-W Tree Ancestry.
There is significant conflicting information on Salvini.
Here is the alternate version:
Salvini, Federico b. April 9, 1898, Stenico, Province of Trento, Italy; Left Italy as a child with his family moving to Germany, Switzerland, France and finally to the US; Italian American, POW; Father Domenico Salvini, mother Diomira (Litterini) Salvini; Worker; Communist, Part of the West-Side communist section of the IWO that included Menella (a.k.a. “Landy”), Mellina, Paolo Sarti, Domenico Medelin and Salvatore Menis, known as "Loggia Garibaldi"; Domicile NYC; To Spain January 20, 1937; Served with the XV Brigade, Lincoln Battalion, then to the Garibaldi Brigade, 3rd Battalion, Co. 1, later MG Company Commander; Rank promoted from Soldado to Sargento and Teniente; Served in all of the battles the Brigade was engage; Taken prisoner on the Ebro on October 13, 1938; Turned over to the Italian Fascist troops in Spain (CTV, Corpo Truppe Volontarie) who ordered that he be deported back to Italy; alternated information indicates that after his captured on the Ebro Front, and interrogation by Italian Military Police Salvini was executed on October 12, 1938.
Sources: “Federico Salvini.” CPC busta 4554; PS; Italian, La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore.