García, José Soriano (Soriano Garcia, Jose); b. March 19, 1894, Grado Valencia, Spain; Prior military service in Cuba with the Navy; Domicile 60 Columbia Place, Brooklyn, NY, USA; IWW 1917-1921, International Building Workers AFL NY Local #7, joined in Cuba in 1908 and 1911 and in the US in 1927; “Garants:” Julio Antonio Mella Club, syndicate delegate to the Union, NYC; Noel Gonzales propagandist of the Syndicate, address 117 West Street, CP; Travelled on Spanish Passport no. 128; Arrived in Spain March 1937; Served with the IB, 20th BN; Later 115 BDE, Interpreter, Rank Soldado; WIA four times; Planned to go to the US after the war; French Concentration Camp after Spain; Returned to Cuba on May 27, 1939 aboard the Orduña; Spoke Spanish, English and Italian; Comrade Miranda noted comrade not forthcoming regarding CP, may have been retracted; Participated in reunions of Joven Cuba in NY.Sources: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 593, ll. 36; Opis 6, Delo 601, ll. 98-102; Primer Partido Comunista de Cuba 1/2:1/1.10/45-202, Lista de Embarque: Repatriados en el vapor Orduña el 13 de Mayo 1939; Primer Partido Comunista de Cuba, 1/2:1/1.10/1-11A undated, Instituto de Historia de Cuba, Elemento que component el grupo anarco-trotskists; Alfonso Bello and Pérez Díaz; SIDBRINT(?).