Haggerty, George (Hegedus, George; Nelson, Chesler); b. April 22 (26), 1911, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania; Father Charles Haggerty, mother Anna Kmetz (1892-1958); Single; Steel Worker and Coal Miner; YCL 1931 (1930), Section Organizer; Domicile 777 North Washington Street, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania; Sailed March 10, 1937 aboard the Queen Mary; Arrived in Spain March 18, 1937; Served with the Artillery, 11th Regiment, 2nd Group, 14th Battery (John Brown Battery), 155mm Guns; Transferred to XV BDE, Lincoln-Washington BN, MG Co.; Rank Soldado; Served at the Ebro Offensive; Returned to the US on December 15, 1938 aboard the Paris; Wife Alice, son Steve; Active in the Los Angeles Post of the VALB; d. April 28, 1978, Los Angeles, California.
Sources: Sail (under Hegedus); Cadre (under Hegedus); Pay; RGASPI; (obituary) Evelyn Hutchinson, The Volunteer, Volume 1, Number 1, 1978. Code A
George Haggerty Interview, (Alice Haggerty wife), ALBA V 48-073, July 11, 1986, Manny Harriman Video Oral History Collection; ALBA VIDEO 048; box number 7; folder number 24;
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Sources: Sail (under Hegedus); Cadre (under Hegedus); Pay; RGASPI; (obituary) Evelyn Hutchinson, The Volunteer, Volume 1, Number 1, 1978. Code A
Photographs: George (Haggerty) Hegedus in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 908; and detail from a group photograph taken aboard the Paris; December 1938; undated The Volunteer, Volume 1, Number 1,, 1978.