Galleani, Germina b. December 18, 1901 (More likely her real dob February 2, 1892) Italy; Italian American; Married, wife of Umberto Galleani, Saleswoman; CP 1922; Arrived in Spain November 11 (16), 1937; Albacete; Served as a Secretary in the Sanidad and within two days was promoted to head of Administration of the hospital in Albacete; Moved to Barcelona in April 1938 where she worked in the Medical Commission in the Statistics Section; Later she moved over to the Section for Intules (no longer fit for combat); She transferred over to the Military Tribunal for the Medical Service and in her last role she served in the Personnel section of the Medical Services.
Sources: Cadre; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 669, ll. 160; Italian.
Sources: Cadre; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 669, ll. 160; Italian.