Vinaccia, Giovanni (Robert, John; Vinaccio, Giovanni), b. 1910 (1911), Naples, Italy; Italian American; Father Jose Vinaccio; Grammar school education; Single; Mechanic; YCL and CP April 1935, section education director, Hotel and Restaurant Workers Union; Received Passport# 369349 on February 25, 1937 which listed his address as 2537 Belmont Avenue, Bronx, New York; Arrived in Spain on March 2, 1937 (April 4, 1937); Served with the XII BDE “Garibaldi,” 3rd BN, Co. 1; Later Sanidad Albacete and BN de Sanidad 15th Army Corps; Served at Jarama, Casa de Camo, Huesca, and Ebro Offensive; WIA July 15, 1937, Villa Nueva de Pardillo, during Brunete, hit in leg and rear; In hospital Hospital Militar No. 16, Madrid, later Taracon, Benicasim, Mafora, and Denia, total 6 months then back to Brigade; Returned to the US on December 20, 1938 aboard the Ausonia; d. August 15, 1947, Richmond, New York, buried in Rosedale and Rosehill Cemetery, Linden, Union County, New Jersey.Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre (under Vinacci John R.); PS; RGASPI (under Vinacio, John); Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 1006, ll. 39-46; USSDA 2:1010, 61:0435; Find-a-Grave# 101798849 (under John Vinaccia); La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore.