Gonzalez Herera, Luis 34 (31) years old; b. Havana; Family noted as millionaires; Atttended the Havana Military Academy for 3 years; Electrician; Domicile United States?; CPUSA circa 1932; Arrived in Spain June 1 (28) 1937(or October 21, 1937); Served with the Armory, Later circa December 1937 to XV BDE, 59th BN; Rank Soldado; Served at the Aragon, Gandesa and Ebro; WIA at Caspe during the Retreats and a second time at Sierra de Pàndols; Total of 25 days in hospital; Planned to go to the US; Sent to Camp Lukas after being arrested on July 24, 1937 for going to Valencia without a pass, had requested to be transferred to civilian work, suspected of attempting desertion, entered the IB after being released; Several SIM reports in file.Sources: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 585, ll. 140, Cubains, M/G October 30, 1938; Opis 6, Delo 594, ll. 37-44.