Kushnier, Harry Allen (Pico; Kushner, Allen; Cass, Allen H.; Kushnier), b. April 4, 1899 (1900), Poltava, Ukraine; To the US May 23, 1914; Ukrainian American; Attended college for 2 years; WWI veteran, served in the US Army 1917 40th Infantry, rank Private; Divorced (Married); Machinist, Full time Party Functionary from 1930; Socialist 1918, CP 1919, Member of the District Committee and District Bureau 1923-25 in Detroit, Candidate District Committee of Chicago 1932-34, Machinist Union 1922-28, Secretary of the Mid-West Committee for the Foreign Born, Functionary of the I. W. O. in 1932 as member and head of the Language District Commission for Detroit and Chicago; UAW; CP of Spain October 1937; Domicile Detroit, Michigan (85 E. 4th Street, NYC; 23358 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois); Sailed December 14, 1937 aboard the Washington; Arrived in Spain via Massanet on June 28, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Mackenzie-Papineau BN, elected Political Delegate Section 3, Co. 1 on August 1, 1937, later Adjutant BN Commissar, SIM and BN Quartermaster; Rank Teniente; Served at Fuentes del Ebro, Teruel, Retreats, and Ebro Offensive; Left the US on a passport using a false name; Post war used name Pico, ran a tire and auto business.Source: Cadre; Figueres List; Mac-Paps; XV BDE; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 455, ll. 92; Opis 6, Delo 927, ll. 16-27 (under Kuischner, Allen); Opis 6, Delo 1548, ll. 121, Biografia (hand written under Kushnier).