Holborn, Harry Francis b. June 17, 1910, Chicago, Illinois; Married; Salesman; Received Passport# 24936 (469867), San Francisco series, on February 24, 1937 which listed his address as 134 South Grove Street, Denver, Colorado, and 313 1⁄2 Harvard Avenue, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Sailed August 18, 1937 aboard the Aquitania; Arrived in Spain via Massanet on August 29, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln-Washington BN; MG Instructor; Served at Fuentes del Ebro, Teruel; Sent to hospital after Fuentes de Ebro due to pneumonia, suffered frostbite at Teruel; Headed to Ripoll on foot in September 1938; Returned to the US on October 25, 1938 aboard the Ile de France; WWII US Army, Signal Corps, Radar Installer in California; Later PTO; Member of the San Diego Chapter of VALB; d. December 21, 1990, San Diego, California [Different passport #s need to verify between return data and Scope of Soviet Activity may be my error.]Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; FIgueres List; XV BDE; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 911, ll. 43-44; ALBA Video 048, #85, Manny Harriman Video Oral History Collection, Harry Holborn Interview, June 27, 1985; Sue Garson, “For Whom the Bell Tolled, San Diego Veterans of the Spanish Civil War, San Diego Reader, July 17, 1980; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Harry Holborn Interview, ALBA V 48-085, June 27, 1985, Manny Harriman Video Oral History Collection; ALBA VIDEO 048; box number 7; folder number 24; Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, New York University.
Photograph: Harry Holborn, Carnet photo, 1937, screen shot from Harriman interview.