Weissman, Helen Propp (Helene), b. March 15, 1910, NYC; AMB; Graduated from Barnard College followed by graduate work at Hunter College; Married to volunteer Isreal Oscar Weissman, Divorced 1959, 2 children Andrew Weissman and Judy Beth Williams; Clerical work; Received Passport# 414739 on May 17, 1937 which listed her address as George Washington Hotel, NYC; Served with the Medical services as a French Interpreter, Administrative tasks, Murcia; Later headed a day camp for refugee children; After becoming ill in April 1938 she went to her parent’s home in Amsterdam to recover; Returned to the US on September 25, 1937 aboard the Paris; d. February 24, 1995.Sources: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; L-W Tree Ancestry. [Questions about her story based on return date] Code A
Photographs: Two Photographs from Frederika Martin Collection ALBA 001: (left) Dr. Stadt, Allan Johnson, Helene Weissman, and Dr. Pozner, photo 1:1:69:1 and (right) Helene Weissman (center) and Lini Fuhr (sitting) with six unnamed nurses, photo 1:2:107:1