Albertini, Henry (Albertini, Enrico [Henry]Angelo; Nola, Eugene Henry; Eugenio); b. September 18, 1887, Borgosesia, Vercelli, Piemonte Italy; Entered US in 1914 (1915); Italian American; Single; Mechanic, Auto Worker and Jeweler (gold smith); Anarchist, later CP 1931; Domicile NYC; Arrived in Spain and entered the IB on March 5, 1937; Served with the Regt. De Tren, Interpreter; then to IB Commissariat in Albacete for 6 months working with Ralph Bates and then Edwin Rolfe on The Volunteer; Four months as secretary at a hospital near Albacete that treated venereal diseases; Moved to Huete as secretary in the English hospital; Pontones; Returned to the US on September 26, 1938 as a stowaway aboard the Normandie; Left the US on February 1, 1939 aboard the SS Oriente, most likely to Cuba; He re-entered the US on April 1, 1939.Source: Cadre; Inventory North Americans; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 856 ll. 3-4, (letter requesting repatriation); CPC busta 50; Anarchist; Italian; La Spagna Nel Nostro Cuore; L-W Tree Ancestry.