k-Buska, Henry Alfred (Buska, Henry Mark/C.; Puska, Forester); Single; Laborer; CP 1936; 21 years old; Sailed April 10, 1937 aboard the Rotterdam; Arrived in Spain on May 5, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Washington BN, MG Co., Section 1, later Lincoln-Washington BN, MG Co. (Toivo Antikainen MG Section 21 men Squad 1 Toivo Suni, Commander, Carl Syvanen, Yrjo Keinanen, Waino Hamalainen, Alexius Salo, Raisanen, Sulo Niemi, Pyhatalo, and Tanttila, acting Political Commissar; Squad 2 Henry Buska also Section Leader, Matti Haukkala, John Viitaniemi, Kerkkonen, Anttila, Matti Maki, Huosionmaa, and Jussi Savikko; Squad 3 Frans Pakkala, commander of squad, squad included other nationalities, Nilo Kruth was MG section leader.); Later to English BN; gun commander at Brunete with the Washington BN; Section leader at Quinto, Belchite, and Fuentes de Ebro; Promoted to Teniente on October 16, 1937 briefly commanded Finnish MG section in English BN; Attended OTS, graduated on January 16, 1938; To XV BDE MG Co. then to Mac-paps MG Co; Killed in action March 11, 1938, during the Retreats.Source: Cadre; Washington; RGASPI; Finnish; Finnish; MPE.
Photographs: Henry Alfred Buska, and Karl Syvanen and Buska, both Meidän Poikamme Espanjassa.