Exstein, Henry L. Jr. b. May 24, 1908, Buffalo, New York; Attended Andover Academy followed by Yale University; Single; Social Worker and organizer for the CIO 1936(?); CP 1935 (1934) and Socialist Party 1934; American Federaton of State, and County and Municipal Employees; Received Passport# 414528 on May 17, 1937 which listed his address as 164 West 74th Street, NYC; Sailed June 2, 1937 aboard the Aquitania; Arrived in Spain via Setcases on June 19, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion; Elected Section Delegate, Section 1, Co. 3 on September 10, 1937; Later Co. Commissar promoted November 25, 1937; Served at Fuentes de Ebro (October 13-25) and Teruel (January 13-22); WIA January 20, 1938 at Teruel hit in right leg, in hospital Benicasim (January 24-March 22, 1938), Murcia (March 24-April 18, 1938), Mataro (Aril 13-August 5, 1938), Moya (August 6-September 5, 1938), Olot (September 6-October 5, 1938), then to Sagaro; Returned to the US on December 31, 1938 aboard the President Harding; WWII US Army; d. May 2, 1979, New York.Source: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; Cadre; Figueres List; Mac-Paps; XV BDE, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 3, Delo 455, ll. 92; Opis 6, Delo 885, ll. 8 (under Eckstein); Opis 6, Delo 886, ll. 105-112 (includes a letter from his father delivered through State Department); USSDA 2:0523, 53:0989. Code A
Photograph: Henry Exstein, undated, L-W Tree Ancestry.