Jereb, Vittorio (Leone Kraniski; Leo Kranjski; Mario Benotti); b. 1903, Idria Slovenia; Slovenian American; Electrician; CP; Arrived in Spain in December 1936; Served in the Dombrowki Battalion and Djuro Djakovic Battalion; Rank Teniente; After the SCW he went to Italy and was imprisoned until 1943; Lived in Indria, Slovenia.Source: South Slav; Marco Puppini, In Spagna per la biberta: Antifascisti friulani, Giuliani e istriani nella Guerra civile Spagnole 1936-1939 [In Spain for Liberty: Antifascists of Friuli, Giulini and Istria during the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939] (Udine, Italy: Instituto friulano per la storia del moviemento di liberazione, 1986), pp. 266, 331; Nasi Spanjolski, 380.