Hagilaou, John (ΧΑΤΖΗΛΑΟΥ, ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ; Hatzilaou; Hadjigeorgiou, Kyriakon; Hageleou; Hadjilahus, Evangelos); b. August 4, 1902, Island of Kalymnos, Greece; Greek American; Father James Hagilaou, mother Katrina Hagilaou; Primary School Education; US Marine Corps for 5 (9) years, Rank Corporal; Single; Printer, Food Worker, Painter, Carpenter, and WPA; CP 1931, Spartacus Club, Ex-Serviceman’s League, Greek Worker’s Education Club; 36 years old; Domicile 329 7th Avenue, NYC; CP 31 Branch Organizer; Sailed December 26, 1936 aboard the Ile de France; Arrived in Spain on January 3, 1937; Enrolled in IB on January 6, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN, Co. 2, Section 2, Group 3, Sanidad; Later Mess SGT and in Quartermaster section; Washington BN, Estado Mayor, Topography; Auto Park; Last unit XV BDE, Estado Mayor, Deposito; Rank Alferez; Placed under arrest and imprisoned around January 22, 1938; His comments, “All the money, which the Communist Party collects in the United States in order to buy cigarettes and other presents for the comrades in Spain is being spent by the members of the Party in eating steaks in the Fifth Avenue. If you return to the United States, go also to the 32nd Street and to the 13th Street and tell them ...” and “You will be dishonourable persons if you will not tell them this, which I have said.” were reported to the Brigade by fellow volunteers Douris, Halepsis, Vretos and others; Served at Jarama and Brunete; Did not return to the US after Spain; Settled in Greece; Hagilaou was the cousin of Filippos (Phillip) and Nikos (Nick) Pappas.
Sources: Sail (under Hadjigeorgiou); Cadre (under Hagilau); Pay; Voros-Jarama; Washington; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 415, ll. 53-56; Opis 6, Delo 551, ll. 24 (fiche); Greek; D. Paleologopoulos Greek Antifascist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), Athens 1986; Steve Tsermegas and L. Tsirmirakes, No Pasaran. Greek Antifascist Volunteers in Spain, Athens 1987.
Photograph: John Hagilou, Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 415.
Sources: Sail (under Hadjigeorgiou); Cadre (under Hagilau); Pay; Voros-Jarama; Washington; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 415, ll. 53-56; Opis 6, Delo 551, ll. 24 (fiche); Greek; D. Paleologopoulos Greek Antifascist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), Athens 1986; Steve Tsermegas and L. Tsirmirakes, No Pasaran. Greek Antifascist Volunteers in Spain, Athens 1987.
Photograph: John Hagilou, Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 415.