k-Johnson, John Greek American; Laborer, CP (unit 20) 1930; Received Passport# 365-064 on February 2, 1937 which listed his address as 311 Gaskell Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Sailed February 6, 1937 aboard the Paris; Believed to have served with the 86th BDE, 20th BN; Killed in an accident on March 21, 1937, the battalion’s armorer Ramon Zavisla, a Polish volunteer, was cleaning a pistol, it discharged killing Johnson; Johnson was buried with military honors in the cemetery of Puertollano.Source: Scope of Soviet Activity; Americans and Canadians Killed in Spain Complete list to November 15, 1937; RGASP Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 554, ll. 41(report on accidental death); Opis 6, Delo 917, ll 85 (Fiche with death noted in April Cordoba) 142 (voir apprec collect); Greek; “Penna Soldiers Are Enroute From Spain.” Standard-Sentinel (Hazleton, PA), December 8, 1938, p. 4.