Connelly, John Russell b. February 7, 1910, Escanaba, Michigan; Never in Spain; Received Passport# 5978, Chicago series, on November 5, 1937 which listed his address as 1050 Buena Avenue, Chicago, Illinois; Sailed December 1, 1937 aboard the Manhattan; Returned to the US on December 18, 1937 aboard the President Roosevelt; WWII US Navy Reserve, CM 1, joined June 17, 1943, discharged October 20, 1945; d. July 2, 1969, Escanaba, Michigan, buried Holy Cross Cemetery, Escanaba, Michigan; Volunteer sent back or returned from Paris, Never in Spain. Possibly brother of William James Connelly below.Source: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity; L-W Tree Ancestry; Find-a-Grave#22228281. Code A