Stevens, John. (Stivens, Giovanni); b. April 20, 1891; Italian American; Cook, Waiter, and Steward; NMF (?) and CP; Domicile 105 Mc Dougal Street, New York City; Spoke French, Spanish, and Italian; Arrived in Spain September 27, 1936, likely by ship; Joined IB in November 1936; Served with the XII Brigade, Garibaldi Battalion; No 4 Company; Fought at Casa del Campo, wounded or sick and in hospital in Albacete in April 1937; Later transferred to Sanidad transport; In hospital at Denia from April 26, 1938 through November 11 ̧1938; Later in Hospital at Moya between the November 6, 1938; Stevens stated "I was a Cook at Albacete Guardia Nacional, served as an Ambulance Driver; Rank Soldado; He stated “I have fought on seven Fronts,Casa del Campo, Madrid, etc. Five Months service on the Madrid Front" (74).Sources: RGASPI; RGASPI Archives Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 204, ll. 74-79. He is listed as Giovanni Stivens in a list of Italian Volunteers who fought in Spain in "La Spagna Brucia," by Giacomo Calandrone. Rome, 1955. Page 420. per James Carmody.