Vokos, John (ΒΩΚΟΣ, ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ; Wokos, Juan; Giannis); b. November 1, 1893, Island of Spetsis, Greece, To the US 1925; Greek American; WWI served 1914-16 in the Greek Navy aboard the Psara; Single; Actor; CP December 1933, Spartacus Club, New Theater League; Domicile 216 Main Street, Platsburg, New York; Sailed February 17, 1937 aboard the President Roosevelt; Arrived in Spain on March 17, 1937; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN and Lincoln-Washington BN, Co. 3, Section 3; Served at Jarama, Brunete, and Aragon until August 30. 1937; Transferred to XIII BDE, Jakovics BN; WIA; In August 1938 medical commission declared him fit for rear area work; Incorrectly reported killed in action on April 1, 1938, Gandesa during the Retreats, was in Mataro on June 28, 1938; Fate not clear.Sources: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 421, ll. 45-47; Opis 6, Delo 1007, ll. 32; Greek I, D. Paleologopoulos, Greek Antifascist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), Athens 1986; Steve Tsermegas and L. Tsirmirakes, No Pasaran. Greek Antifascist Volunteers in Spain, Athens 1987.
Photograph: John Vokos in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 421.