Snyder, John William. b. February 5, 1913, Aurora, Minnesota; South Slav; 7th grade education; Single; Mechanic and unemployed Miner; CP April 1, 1934, unit organizer; Domicile 308 First Street, S. W., Crosby, Minnesota; Arrived in Spain on June 6, 1937; Served with the XV Brigade, Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion in training; XV Brigade, Lincoln-Washington Battalion; Last unit (September 1938) Lincoln-Washington, Deposito; Rank Cabo; Returned to the US on December 15, 1938 aboard the Paris; WWII Armed Forces.
Sources: Cadre; Mac-Pap; Pay; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 991; South Slav.
Photograph: John William Snyder, Cabo, Lincoln-Washington Battalion, December 1937. The 15th International Brigade Photographic Unit Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 11; ALBA Photo number 11-0925. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Sources: Cadre; Mac-Pap; Pay; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 991; South Slav.
Photograph: John William Snyder, Cabo, Lincoln-Washington Battalion, December 1937. The 15th International Brigade Photographic Unit Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 11; ALBA Photo number 11-0925. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.