Chodoff, Dr. Richard Joseph (Chodoff, Joseph Richard); b. June 17, 1909, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; AMB; Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in 1929, and from Jefferson Medical College in 1932; Member Alpha Omega Alpha Fraternity, Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity, and Thomas, Schaeffer, Hare, Biochemical Societies; Single; Surgeon; Received Passport# 122663 on June 19, 1934; Domicile Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Sailed May 19, 1937 aboard the Normandie; Served with the Republican Medical Services in the Murcia hospital; Returned to the US on September 16, 1937 crossed border from Quebec, Canada where he arrived aboard the Empress of Australia; Returned along with Joseph Lash; Married Eleanor Dean Owens (Deanie), 2 children; Wrote a book about Medicare fraud; d. May 9, 1983, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Source: Sail; Scope of Soviet Activity (under Chodoff, Richard Joseph); RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 544, ll. 62 (ver ar gen can). Code A
Photograph: Dr. Richard Joseph Chodoff, Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, 1933.