Gianfortoni, Joseph Salvatore (Granfortoni, Salvatore; Grandi, Joe); b. July 31, 1912, NYC; Italian American; Father Salvatore Gianfortoni, mother Maddalena Gianfortoni; ROTC, Attended City College of New York (CCNY) 1931-33; Single; Driver and Mechanic, Construction worker and Bank Clerk; CP 1938; Passport under Jose Gonzalez Diaz (returned on a certificate of identity); Domicile 733 Gerald Court, Brooklyn, New York; Arrived in Spain on July (6, 16, or 22, 1938; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln-Washington BN, Co. 3; Rank Soldado; Served at Ebro Offensive, Sierra Pandols, at the front from August 6 to September 4; Sent to hospital Cambrils 1 day, Tarragona 2 days, Barcelona 2 days, Mataro, 2 months; Returned to the US on December 20, 1938 aboard the Ausonia; WWII Armed forces; d. April 1984; Spoke French, Spanish, Italian, and English.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; Pay; RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 896, ll. 1-10; Italian. Code A
Photograph: Joseph (Salvatore) Gianfortoni in Spain, RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 896; and Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Photograph Collection; ALBA Photo 15; Series I Photographs 1930s-1990s, Box 1, Folder 99. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.