k-Linares Linares, Julio. (Linares Linares, Julio; Lenoris, Jack); Cuban American; Domicile USA; Served with the XV BDE, Lincoln BN; Killed in action February 24, 1937, Jarama; During the Battalion’s first action on the evening of February 23, Julio Linares Linares and George Jacobs failed to receive the word to withdraw; The following morning they attempted to return to friendly lines; Jacobs made it to friendly lines but Linares was killed in the attempt.
Sources: Relación de los Cubanos muertos en la Guerra de liberación e Independencia de España, Instituto de Historia de Cuba, Fondo Primer Partindo Comunista de Cuba, Guerra Civil; 1/2:1/1.10/45 [Marked as 75-81]; Alfonso Bello and Pérez Díaz; SIDBRINT.
Sources: Relación de los Cubanos muertos en la Guerra de liberación e Independencia de España, Instituto de Historia de Cuba, Fondo Primer Partindo Comunista de Cuba, Guerra Civil; 1/2:1/1.10/45 [Marked as 75-81]; Alfonso Bello and Pérez Díaz; SIDBRINT.