Kapitz, Siegfried b. September 14, 1909, Insterbruck, Germany; German American; Father Karl Kapitz, mother Berta Kapitz; Married; Laboratory Technician; Anti-Fascist; Arrived in Spain February 14, 1937; Served with the 86th BDE, 20th BN, Co. 3; Later to the XV BDE, Medical, Responsible for the Medical Trains; Rank rose from Cabo (10/17/37), to Sargento (10/20/1937), to LT (1/16/1938); Served at Pozoblanco and Ebro offensive; Returned to the US on August 26, 1939 as a stowaway aboard the President Harding; WWII US Army, joined February 20, 1945; Married Ella Kapitz, daughters Constance Kapitz (1933-1988) and Susan Kapitz; d. June circa 29, 1965, Bay Pines, Florida, buried in Fort Myers Memorial Garden Cemetery.Siblings: brother Otto Kapitz, sisters Ruth Kapitz, Emma Kapitz, and Edith Kapitz.
Sources: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 6, Delo 380. ll. 48; L-W Tree Ancestry; Find-a-Grave #171087151.