Koff, Berl. (Bernard; Kodo, Bernardo); 35 years old; b. Russia; Prior military service, US Army, Medical Service 18 months; Taxi Driver and Barber; Domicile Chicago; CP January 1937; Traveled to Spain with a Spanish passport under the name Bernardo Codo, issued by the Spanish Consulate in Chicago; Arrived in Spain via Massanet on March 6, 1938; Sent back from Figueras due to medical evaluation noting swelling of the calves, probably as a result of a road accident; M. Economides noted “Enclosed a copy of report on KOFF Bernard also his passport"; Report noted that as a child the bones in his legs were soft and he was unable to walk until he was 8 years old, he was unable to run, climb hills or walk more than 2-3km, had to be carried much of the way over the Pyrenes, while in Figueras did not participate in training, rejected by Medical Commission of Figueras on March 11 as totally useless for military service.Sources: RGASPI Fond 545, Opis 2, Delo 103, ll. 121, M. Economids, IB Delegation, Anglo-American section Albacete; Additional information on draft of 15th of March 1938; Opis 2, Delo 304, ll. 211 “Paris le 23 Mars 1938”; Opis 6, Delo 31, ll. 58, Liste Des Camarades Renvoyesen France, Reformes Par Le T. M. M. under Koff, Bernard March 22, 1938; Opis 6. Delo 924, ll. 19, report by Economides.