Larsen, Dr. Leonard Hans (Larson); b. April 29, 1908 Fresno, California; AMB; Father Erik Larsen (Danish); Graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine, MD 1933; Doctor; Received Passport# 481886 on October 23, 1937 which listed his address as 2450 Larkin Street, San Francisco, California; Arrived in Spain on November 11, 1937; Served with the Republican Medical Services; Returned to the US on October 25, 1938 aboard the Ile de France; WWII US Army, Captain; d. May 13, 1989, San Francisco, California, ashes scattered from the Golden Gate Bridge.Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; RGASPI (under Larson). Code A
Photographs: Dr. Larsen in Spain, Find-a-Grave; Dr. Larson and Ruth Davidow, FM Collection; and Stanford University Yearbook 1930, L-W Tree Ancestry.