Levin, Louis. b. April 1, 1906 (March 1, 1903), Burlington, Vermont; POUM; Father Samuel Leving, mother Katie Jacobs; Nurse; Received Passport# 6602 New York series, August 20 (29), 1936 which listed his address as 395 Stratford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 33 years old; Left England on January 10, 1937 with the ILP Ambulance unit from Newhaven for Dieppe-Paris; Served with the 29th Division (POUM), British Section (ILP), Doctor, Aragon Front; Returned to the US on October 14, 1939 aboard the Aquarius; Married Rebecca R. Kameleh (1932-?) on October 16, 1969 in Fort Bend, Texas, divorced May 1, 1972 in Harris, Texas; Married Cassandra Murphey (1937-?) on January 19, 1973 in Harris, Texas, divorced April 23, 1973, Harris Texas; d. September 26, 1988, in Harris County, Texas.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; USSDA 2:0717, 56:0983; Chris Hall, In Spain with Orwell, Tippermuir Books Ltd., Perth, Scotland, 2013. pp. 19, 118, and 220-221; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Members of the Independent Labor Party Contingent on the Huesca Front, POUM Division. 1) Jack Ritchie 2) Jones 3) Midlestone; 4) Dr. Louis Levin; 5) Parker; 6) Frankford; 7) Gottman; 8) Arthuro [also includes Charles Doran, Patrick O’Hara, Philip Hunter and John Braithwaite], 1937. International Brigade Archive, Moscow: Select Images, Folder 189: 15th International Brigade, Group Photographs with Identifications, 1937, Box 2, Folder 15; ALBA Photo 177; ALBA Photo number 177-189009. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Sources: Scope of Soviet Activity; USSDA 2:0717, 56:0983; Chris Hall, In Spain with Orwell, Tippermuir Books Ltd., Perth, Scotland, 2013. pp. 19, 118, and 220-221; L-W Tree Ancestry. Code A
Photograph: Members of the Independent Labor Party Contingent on the Huesca Front, POUM Division. 1) Jack Ritchie 2) Jones 3) Midlestone; 4) Dr. Louis Levin; 5) Parker; 6) Frankford; 7) Gottman; 8) Arthuro [also includes Charles Doran, Patrick O’Hara, Philip Hunter and John Braithwaite], 1937. International Brigade Archive, Moscow: Select Images, Folder 189: 15th International Brigade, Group Photographs with Identifications, 1937, Box 2, Folder 15; ALBA Photo 177; ALBA Photo number 177-189009. Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.